[no dialogue] >> dr. wahby: well, welcome to tech 5173 global technology class,master of technology, masters oftechnology. we are delighted today to have aguest speaker i wouldn't say guest speaker because heis a household. >> dr. wahby: we are his guests and when you tell or your grandchildren willask you and say baharlou, alan baharlou and read it intextbooks, and books
of history, and you tellthem i was in his class one time, isaw this man. i shook hands with him. i asked him my dear friend alanbaharlou will talk with us, and will take us on a trip thatwill take us maybe 5,000 years ago, maybe 2 billion yearsago, or whatever, it depends on or something in between. let me tell you a couple thingsabout my fried alan baharlou. a dear friend, over the years,this is my fifteen year here.
when i came, he was a realsupport for me even without me knowing him. he started a friendship, itcontinued, and multiplied. we fight a lot togetheras friends. we differ a lot, so beingfriends doesn't mean that i say amen to everything he says orsays amen to everything i say, but we play together,pulling the tug, whatever, and that's what makes thegame good. when he speaks today, i willdiffer with him, i'll fight with
him, in a very respectful way,and i want you to do this. and i'll tell you about himwhat i told you about me the first day we met. do you know what i told them? >> dr. baharlou: what? >> dr. wahby: i told them don't believe me. i told them i am your professor,yes, i am your instructor, yes, but don't believe aword of what i say. check on me, verify what i say,don't stand in front of a
judge and say sir, professorwahby said so. he will say, what say you? please don't believe him, don'tbelieve me, don't believe anybody, just think, andthink right, and verify things, move on. without much adieu, i will askyou to give a hand for pete grant, and wes fortaping us today. here is cats, pleasegive them a hand. thank you, thank you,thank you...
pete has been over the years aswes, wonderful in documenting our treasures that we havediscussed in this class. without much adieu, here is myfriend alan baharlou. >> dr. baharlou: thanks, i look forward every semester to this occasion. yes, he is my colleague and myfriend, and as he said everything you hear, evaluateit critically. that's one of the four goalsof higher education. critical thinking, reflectivethinking, speaking, and
the ability to write. critical thinking look at theworlds events people will just follow, they just havefaith, instead of thinking critical, so that iswhat wafeek wants to tell you to think anything youhear, evaluate it, and then make a judgment. you are in a good position todo that, you are in higher education and the most advancedcivilization in the world, so take advantage of that.
today i want to take you on ajourney through time. what has brought you to thislevel, and all the facilities that you have. all technologies that you have. a spaceship earth, so thispresentation is science and technology, a stairstepfor the continuous ascent of homosapians. homosapians meansreasoning...reasoning. homosapians, we have come a longway how did we get here, what
has brought us to this levelwhere we are, so that is the story we will discuss, andif you have any questions, any time, please ask. okay i need to bring that tolarge case-- so is it historical perspective. that means how did we start it,where are we now, and what is our future? if assuming the earth is 4.5billion years with history, take it to 12 hours clock, at 2:52say am we saw the first evidence
of life in sedimentary rocksin the earth. 4:58 the first oxygen generatingfor the sands is plants. at 6:32 am single celledanimals appeared. i show you the place wherewe see all these. 8:52am multi-cellularplants and 10:35 the first indication of animals, differentspecies, 10:42 land plants, and the 11:59:13 early humansappeared. in others words, we have beenshort time here. this is the george, one ofthe early species
we have fossils of. the first thing he was playingwith the stone. this is a hard rock made ofquartz, and sparks they are hard piece of rocks and therewas some dried grass and started fire. he was able to shape thewood with his stone. long, short, and differentshapes, so he discovered the fire, and just broken stone,this called chert, quartz, about 7 hardness assumingdiamond is 10.
he was able to use those rocksand got warm, and was able to do things little by changingthings. and so started journey... well, this just all throughtime, philosophers and scholars, developed and spoke and gaveideas step by step, across the [unclear dialogue] we tookthose ideas,evaluated them critically, and triedto apply it. that is how we've come this far. i am going to share withyou, history of
science and technology. the history of technology is thehistory of the invention of tools and techniques, and issimilar in many ways to the history of humanity. that's the substance, that'sthe tool, that's the invention that has brought us towhere we are. every part of history,background knowledge has enabled people to create new things, andconversly many scientist's endeavors have become possiblethrough technologies.
these technologies assist humansto travel to places we could not otherwise go, probe thenature, dig holes, and climb up the universe in more detail thanour naturals sciences allow us. these are the early people,impressive. find the rock, shape it, put ittogether, remember they didn't have crane and all thesethings, in the such an angle to end up with beautiful pyramidthat still is there or shape this rocks, [unclear dialogue]these are the evidence of our ancestors, impressive,majestic monument.
we still puzzle about theirimagination, the needles, these are all cleopatra's needles. [unclear dialogue] in egypt... acropolis in greek, persepolisin persia, in iran shape the rocks, move the rocks,melt the rock. when you go to persepolis andyou see a huge alternium, big rocks, how did they putthese rocks in angle together and kept it to standall those way. still it is impressive, when yougo to these monuments in egypt.
in 1961, us president john fkennedy called on congress to found a space program to sendman to the moon before 1970. addressing our environmentalproblems, when you are doing that you invent a lot ofnew technologies, and shifting our political,economic, and social institution to [uncleardialogue] of sustainable development will requirestill more vision, resolve, andcommittment. he knew that by that technologywe could go so far, when we
have that knowledge ofhow it happpened. the fact that astronauntsreached the moon just 8 years after kennedy's speech,demonstrates the power of human ingenuity. in meeting the challenge itprovides hope that we will be able to meet the largerchallenge of living sustainable to earth 250,000 miles away wego there and come back? how? what machine takes us there,what kind of fuel we use,
but let's decide to go,and we did that. apollo 11 moon landing, onjuly 28, 1969. we were going to go to heavenabove the earth, outside the earth. how dare we would, yes. by the way with apollo, thelunar landing and they approach the sea of tranquility, seegalileo taught the ocean because they name the ocean. as you know armstrong and[unclear dialogue], system tells
them, do not land, we had 40seconds to replicate the situation and see whatwas wrong. they called back and i was infront of tv listening to walter cronkite broadcasting this. nasa telling them go and land,take this steering wheel manually you have too much datain your system, it is confused, and [unclear dialogue]did and took that and land. on july 20, 1969 the human raceaccomplished it's single greatest technologicalachievement of all time.
when a human first step foot onanother celestial body. six hours after landing at 4:17pm edt, the whole world was listening, with less than 30seconds of fuel remaining, neil armstrong who was born august 5,1930, and just died august 25, 2012 took the smallest stepinto our greatest future. when he stepped off the moonmodule named eagle, onto the surface of the moon, fromwhich you could look up and see earth in the heavens as no onehad, and you see some picture before him.
he was shortly joined by buzzaldren, the two astronaunts spent 21 hours on the lunarsurface, and returned 46 pounds of lunar rocks. after the historic walks on themoon, they successfully docked with the command module,which is orbiting above, columbia, in which michaelcollins was patiently orbiting the cold, but no longerlifeless, moon. they saw really from outsideon the moon that the earth was a spaceship.
spaceship earth, ourlittlest spa. let me say it spaceship earth,[unclear dialogue] a machine, that has all theprinciples, physics, chemistry, biology, all of it,exactly, precisely, with out exception applied, thatwas spaceship earth. that is what we are inright now. earth is only 12,000 miles indiameter, which is almost in [unclear dialogue]dimension. in the greater vastness ofspace, our nearest star, our
energy supplying mothership thesun is 92 million miles away. i have a question, at thismoment are you moving or are you stationary...moving? how fast are you moving bythe way, just guess. just guess. how many miles per hour? >> student: a thousand. >> dr. baharlou: one thousand miles per hour, is she right?
she is moving. >> student: yes. >> dr. baharlou: you are moving too? is she right 1,000miles an hour? >> student: not sure about that. >> dr. baharlou: more or less, guess. >> student: more. >> dr. baharlou: boy, you are all very optimistic our little spaceship earth isright now traveling at
60,000 miles an hour around thesun because it has to complete a circle in 365 days. it is also spinning axiallywhich around itself, that where you get day and night, which[unclear dialogue] is about 1,000 mph, so right nowwe are going that fast, i don't feel it, why? we answer the question, we askafter they said that what force is keeping us so thatwe don't feel it. it's enormous speed going thesame time around,
moving and zipping around. 60,000 mph around the sun, andaround itself, 1,000 mph. spaceship earth was soextraordinary, well-invented, and designed, that to ourknowledge, humans have been on, that means you will see designprecisely, concisely following physical, chemical,principle laws of science, no exception, no magic,no surprises. extraordinarily well inventedand designed that to our knowledge humans have been onboard for 2 million years,
not even knowing that they wereon board of a ship like some of you don't feel likeyou are moving. part of the invention of thisspaceship earth and its biological life-sustaining isthat the vegetation on the land, and the algae in the sea, usingphotosynthesis are designed to make the life generatingenergy for us in an adequate amount. we cannot eat all thevegetation, as a matter of fact, we cannot eat very little of it,we cannot eat the bark or wood
of the trees nor the grasses,but the insects can eat these and there are many otheranimals and creatures that can. we get the energy relayed to usby taking the milk and the meat from the animals. again, all this process... in the imagination of those whoare sensitive to their realities [unclear dialogue],the earth has become a spaceship, and this perhapsis the most important single fact of our time.
facets of technologies hasbecome so critical so vital, and so important is this spaceship. you are the passenger, movingvery fast, with limited space. for a millenium, the earthin human's minds was flat and limitless. to this day as a result ofexploration, speed and the exploration of sceintific[unclear dialogue] knowledge earth has become tinysphere, closed, limited, crowded system, and hurtlingthrough the space.
limited, closed system thischange in human's image of their home affects their behavior inmany ways, and likely to affect much more in the future. your future, you that willguide the spaceship from the [unclear dialogue]. it is not only that human'simage of the earth has changed, but realilty of the wold'ssocial system has changed as well. as long as human were small innumber and limited in
technology, they couldrealistically regard the earth as an infinite reservoir. an infinitie source of inputs,and infinite cesspool of [unclear dialogue] today we canno longer make this assumption. earth has become a spaceship notonly in our imagination, but also in the hard realities ofthe social, biological, and physical system, in whichhuman is meshed. in what you might call the olddays, many humans were small in numbers, and earth waslarge, they could
pollute without any penalty. then they frequently destroyedthe immediate environment and had to move to a newerspot, when they then proceed to destroy. now humans can no longer dothis, they must live in the whole system. a member cannot put a sign up atmexican border saying no pollution allowed in theunited states. oh, we cannot do that?
we cannot put a sign and say nopollution from minnesota could come down to southernmississippi river? we have an interconnectedsystem, do you mean what california decides aboutcarbon monoxide emission and it effects us too in illinois, sothey cannot say as a state i have to right to stayto the side. these are all politcal, socialfactors coming in. had to move on to a new spot,they must move on to a new system; this is all related toone system, with no borders,
no boundaries like you are inairplane, if somebody is smoking in front seat, yougoing to smell it and you going to inhale it. begin to develop quadrilateraldynamic sense. you know that you are eithergoing to have to keep the machine that is going to takeknowlege is critical. the machine which operates withprecise physical, chemical, biological, and geologicalprinciple, in good order or its going to be in trouble andfail to function.
we have not been seen onspaceship earth as a techincally designed machine, which to bepersistenly successful must be comprehended and servicedin total. now there is one scientificallyimportant fact regarding this spaceship earthand that is no instruction book camewith it. we have to learn all of it, wehave to discover it. lack of instruction has forcedus to find that there are two kinds of berries, redberries that will kill us, and
red berries that willnourish us. we have to find out ways oftelling us which is which, red berries before we ate it orotherwise we would die. we have to find it, wehave to know. could we say, god please help methis not red poison berry. ask god? or ask allah or ask what? there will please, i willbe nice to you. no, we have to find it and findit ourselves, for our
knowledge that's what it means,we have to do it . we were forced because of thelack of instruction book, to use our intellect, which is oursupreme faculty to devise scientific and technologicalexperimental procedure and to intrepret effectivelythe significance of experiemental findings. thus because the instructionmanual was missing, we are learning how we safely cananticipate the consequence of an increasing number of alternativeways of extending our
satisfactory ways of survivalfor growth of physical and metaphysical. the design omission of theinstruction book on how to operate and maintain aspaceship earth, and its complex life-supporting andregenerating system has forced us to discoverrespectively just what our most important forwardcapabilities are. we are finally going to have toface the fact that we are a biological system, we are asystem myself too, living
in that ecological system,another system. our survival power is going todepend upon our developing beyond our relationship of aclosed cycle character with all the other animals and populationof elements and population of the world of the ecologicalsystem. these are great discoveries. once they begin to look at earthas a spaceship, the apalling extent of our ignorance about itis almost frightening. finally, the consequence ofearth becoming a spaceship for
the social system are profoundand little understood. this clear up much humanbehavior, and many human institution in the pastwhich were appropriate to a finite earth are entirely notappropriate for smalled closed spaceship earth. we are interrelated, there areno borders, no boundaries, we are interconnected. we cannot afford an unrestrictedconflict, and we all most certainly cannot affordnational sovereinity
in an unrestricted sense. it is in our hands, andespecially your hand because you have the knowledge, youhave the vision. you think critically, you wantto know why, how, and you are reflective. if this is my son, how do i wanthim to be treated? oh, making sarcastic remark,you just reflect it, you already apply to yourself. we cannot afford unrestrictedconflict and we certainly cannot
afford national sovereignty inan unrestricted sense. literally it is in your hands. the only knowledge criticalthinking, cannot just pray. let me hang you from this walland you pray not fall. no, you have to use yourthinking, and that's what this class of dr. wabhy teaches,technology to train you to do that. now the whole earth is in ourhands, collectively, disregard our race, nationality,you must maintain it for
now and the future generation. that's the moral obligationfor our children. if this earth is past this[unclear dialogue], this earth were only a few feet indiameter, floating a few feet above the filled [uncleardialogue] people would come from everywhere to marvel at it. people would walk around it,marvelling at this big pool of water, the little pool of waterflowing between the big pools, people wouldmarvel at the
bumps on it, and theholes in it. they would marvel at this verythin layer of gas surrounding it and the waters suspendedin the gas. the people would marvel at allthe creatures in the water. the people would declare itprecious because it was the only one, and they would protect itso that it would not be hurt. the ball would be the greatestwonder known, and people would come to behold it to behealed, to gain knowledge, to know beauty and to wonderhow it could be.
people would love it and defendit with their lives and the roundness could be nothingwithout it. if the earth were only afew feet in diameter. seen from the moon, we first sawthe beauty of this spaceship earth, and the diversecharacteristics. while others saw no others here,there is no water here, there is no air here, thereis no grass here, there is no cow here, there is no egg here, we startcomparing the character
spaceship, but in thiscase the moon. well, that historic moment, weleft the earth and went to another celestial body. when the lunar eagle landed andthe ladder unfold, then neal armstrong stepped out the wholeworld was watching that moment. the step on the surface of themoon, by the way, this imprint would be there forever,because there is no air, there is no water on moon,stay there. he raised american flag, thereis no air, so it was made of
aluminum, and at 4:17 pm edton july 20, 1962 the eagle has landed. a smallest step for human, agiant leap for humankind as neal armstrong said. this is what technology, humantechnology could take us to the heaven and hell and allback and forth, of course if above was heaven andhell was below. it was a famous picture, themoon in the background, american flag, neal armstrong, collins,the colleague that take the
picture, reflection of the sunall on the surface of the moon, all in one picture. we've decided to go to otherparts of the solar system ,and yes, the planet next to us. we always were facinated. we had many movies, "martianscoming", and so on, and so we decided to go look atmars, because of it's red color we named it after thegod of war. mars pathfinder was an americanspacecraft that landed on
the base station, but then no[unclear dialogue] rover on mars in 1997 could see therethey landed [unclear dialogue] carl sandburg and thelightweight 10.6 kg wheeled robot on mars we calledit sojourner. we told sojourner to go out onown, sample the mars, sample the soil, sample the rocks, measurethe air, and collect it back. you mean we are on mars, that'sright, and name this rock it is called couch, because itstands like a couch. we look at the whole galaxy.
you want to go there every partof it, we are human. we have the power, the decision,and the technology. we want to explore the entiresolar system, and now we have later on taken thespacecraft about leaving our solar system, going on toother galaxies. from mercury to venus, to earth,to mars, jupiter, saturn, all these planets, by the way thisis a great picture of venus. this is venus. ha, i already seen venus, white?
yes, because it covered by thickcloud of co2 reflect the sunlight, so we always see whenthey drop spacecraft robot under it, this is way it is,this is very hot, is boiling, i said good example ofglobal warming. perfect next door to us. because of thick masses and iswhite, that is after god of beauty [unclear dialogue]volcanic eruption create a lot of co2, which reflect thesunlight and all this planet. we are going to go allof this system.
[music] this is milky waygalaxy, its called milky way because of it's whitish color. each of these is asun like ours. there is a shooting star here. [unclear dialogue]--yes, we aregoing to explore this. you just talk about impressiveaccomplishment. not just if you, as i said i amteaching course, science and technology, i develop it in1982, promise or a threat. just want to see consequence,one example
this is hijacked plane. heads straight for the secondtower of 9-11. there was a man who convincedpeople, his followers, that this america had committed sin, andthey are not muslim, remember muhammed said thatonly muslim go to heaven, all other goes to hell. if god sends these people tohell, why don't we help the god earlier. those of you see osama bin ladentalks, go send them to hell
to, you will die, you muslimsare saved. i have convinced these peopleto burn, destroy man, woman, and children. when you don't think critically,you are vulnerable. that's what has happened, andof course with women. man made this plane to gothere, and those who just follow, that's technology. if hadn't happened to thosepeople, and we have seen many examples of it.
all the bombs, in all the war,pakistan, afghanistan, these there are many peoplewho just follow. they don't have criticalreflective thinking. fortunately you do; and one moreexample, this is in enola gay the pilot named it afterhis mother. this enola gay is going to havea mission, and the mission is to take the first atomic bombcalled it fat boy, and thats the plane that took off august6, 1945, with this atomic bomb under his wing.
it dropped it at 8:15 am onaugust 6, 1945. the enola gay plane dropped a20 kiloton atomic bomb over hiroshima japan. moments after a mushroom cloudraises 20,000 feet over hiroshima. within 11 seconds, 200,000people died, still is taking life, man woman, children, old,young, vaporized. some distance from there, theireyes, and every meat melted, so their skeletons just fell.
those of you familiar withuranium half life, uranium is 4.5 million years, so stillthere is radioactive soft sand there that was buried, but isstill taking life. yes, somebody decided to takethat bomb and drop it. well, some of you said, japanmade a mistake of attacking us on pearlharbor...yes. this is the technology, if thehand and the power just wanted to tell you that. three days later, anothernuclear bomb dropped
on hiroshima, september 8, 1945;november 6, 1954 an atomic bomb silently destroyed almostall of the houses and building in hiroshima. this is a reporter standingthere taking those pictures to show you [unclear dialogue]three days later, these are all, these are the few peoplethat survived. they burned, none of themsurvived after a while. the torture, the agony,the life. the problem [unclear dialogue]destruction left after and
atomic bomb exploded overnagasaki 3 days later, on august 9, 1945. now we have several hundreds ofmuch more powerful bombs in silos ready to go, alreadytargeted. all have some president orprime minister say go. i just wanted to show you thetechnology, the power must be handled by people whoare moral, ethical, think critically, reflectively,and see the end of using these systems.
again, us, i hope that's you. science and technology... this gives you a glimpse ofintroduction to up to this point. a historial perspective, howready is civilizations, cultures, and great thinkershave related and discovered the nature of science andtechnology? your predecessor, those werehere before you? {music} you all heard about maryleaky, a great anthropologist.
images for you to see... for all the ancicent skulls andpreshistoric stone tools that mary leaky chiseled out of therocks of east africa, here in tanzania, what is accidental,anthropologist will be best remembered for her footprints. actually one day in 1978, onthe arid laetoli plain, of tanzania, leaky bent over animpression that looked as if had been made by human. with a dental pick, and a brushshe painstakingly cleaned
away the 3.5 million year oldhardened volcanic ash that incased the print. three hours later, convincedthat the print had indeed been left by human ancestors, shestood up and announced, "now this is really, this isreally is something to put on mantle piece orin a museum". the 75 foot long trail of crispfootprints had been made by 3 little hominins, members of thehuman family who ambled across the volcanic plain atthe dawn of humankind.
one of the them, seemed to pauseand turn left briefly before continuing to the northin the ash. this unique of a behavior, fromeons back to find the thrive in a way that no otherbones could not. as leaky wrote, this motion sointensely human translates time a remote anscestorexperienced a moment of thought. the find helped overturn theprevailing wisdom that the seminole event in humanevolution was the
development of the big brain. instead it was standing up, itwas only four foot, now he stood up, our hands were free, oureyes become where we see front, and that brought reach freethe hands to make tools. tool-making simulated growthin the size and complexity of the brain. this new freedom of four-limbposed the challenge nicki rhoad soon after discovery, the brainexpanded to meet it, and humankind was born.
these are the footprints. footprints made by [uncleardialogue] africanisis as they walk across the ash scatteredby volcanic eruption over 2.5 million years ago. the footprints confirm skeletalevidence that the species were fully erect stances. this is of course... we also have some footprints ofanimals going there, and the woman had the smallerfootprint, and the
man had larger footprint. its part of the pictures inthe smithsonian, they are precious clues to the past. rare fossil tracks leftmillions of years ago, by humanities ancestors. i feel so proud that is tostand here and see how far we have come. i owe all of it to my ancestor,and to those who discover. i leave twice as much assix years before.
i don't [unclear dialogue] myscientists.; my ancestors that means your ancestors,i give credit. this is who we are, so yearsago this was their...they have come a long way. this is the panorama that is inthe smithsonian in museum. shows the volanic ash theywalked in there, a picture. lifelike [unclear dialogue] wasa valitory hominids with a stark landscape background insmithsonian museum. the earliest step inhuman evolution.
just imagine years from nowwhen you look at a step on the moon, wow, that was a historicmoment, going to the moon; when we lived solar system whenyou are in other galaxies, and look back, what that momentlook exactly. you all heard about lucy, also afind in tanzania, this is the bones they discovered andreconstructed. this is covered now to protectthose with prints. discovery of human footprintsin east africa reshaped the study of human origins.
now conservators have protectedthe fragile tracks from destruction. okay, so i give you thisintroduction to this, now lets be at the moment that all thosewho contributed to where we are now. to where we fly, we live longer,we look and we could look at a picture across the planet whowere these people. earliest technologies, whichfire and stone as i show you that...
these are an adult man we areplaying the [unclear dialogue] a spark, dry grass, started afire, and then learned to shape the rocks to make arrows, othertools, to cut meat, to smash things, make a beautiful shape,these are impressive technologies of our ancestors. a stone age, you allheard about it. let's look at these ancientcivilizations. fortunately, in other words weare extremely forturnate, and all in here like wafeek ishaving all this civilization
in to use the university. egyptian was last year, and nowthis year is greek civilization. their contribution theirculture, what they left for us, the messages, so long. thanks wafeek, it is reallyimpressive. we are unique as that. okay let me give you that, itwas greeks, which is this semester, greek symposium. roman, persians, egyptian,and mesopetamiums.
these are ancient civilization. you all know they were here. greeks, rome, this is as youwell know, this is iran, persia, this is egypt, this area aboutis mesopetamia. they are the one who laid thefoundation for all science and technology, who we are. our views, visions, health, andfacilities, but persia changed it's name from persiato iran, saudi arabia, yes all egypt, greece.
the earth's natural forces, thisis where this ancient civilization face, naturalforces, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, thunder,lightning, seasonal climates, forests, brush wildfires, anddiverse forms of life. the relationship between diseaseand death have been of intense interest to homosapiens sincethe earliest appearance on earth. all this was happening,sudddenly a big storm will come, a fire appears, big hails, earthwill shake, just remember we
don't have all scientific backon earth they want to know who is responsible forthese events. they couldn't predict, theydidn't have weather stations, so then understanding the cause andthe effect of these natural forces are the stepping stonesand the staircase of the ascend of homosapians ina continuous journey of knowledge and excellence. how did ancient civilization inthe beginning explain these? role of gods and goddesses inancient civilizations.
they assigned gods andgoddesses. they said we will bless thepowers and curse the human emotions like loveand anger. this is these gods and goddessesare doing, they are nice, but don't doublecross them. they give, in other words, callit reflection of their own attributes. powers and curses with humanemotion like love because they didn't understand thecause of these.
their residence has been atopof mount olympus in iraq in greece, the highest mountainof greece, from which drives also their characteristic name,olympian gods, the important [unclear dialogue] olympian toall gods was their immortality. each one of them has the abilityto appear in front of mortals and provide them withadvice and health. many example of that can befound in "the illiad" and "the oddysey", works of peotic humor. in them, many times god athena,appears in various forms to
odysseys as has been in proctor. it is not rare of course to seethe opposite, some of these ancient greece gods get angrywith mortals and try to harm or punish them, so fire hurricane,tornado, volcanic, makes vulcan, god of volcanogot angry. all this ancient civilization,their gods had all these characteristics, so theycouldn't explain it. this is pantheons the greecewere the gods released were there; this is eome wherethe gods and goddesses were,
and this is micah where themuslims were. in egypt for example, sirius wasof the most important deities of the ancient egypt. this one was considered to bethe first ancient egyptian god to be officially recordedin written scripts of ancient egypt, and orsis isthe god of afterlife. as you see their pictures fromthe picture that they've drawn. interesting things that all ofthese have our shapes; our body shape and all have ourcharacteristics, all of these.
poseidon for example, god of theoceans, when the sea came up and flooded and many areas nearthe sea wiped out, and people. god of the sea triton is aweapon that could shake the earth when he would shakeit and destroy any object. zoroastrian, which is persiangod of power and mithra mythology comes from goddess ofpersian rain and song. they all had characteristics,all the earth's events were associated with gods andgoddesses, many of them. sistine chapel, which is thestudy of all the religions
at that this is the god ofmuslim, mesopotamiums, and had power; told abraham, to go getyour only son isaac, and get it to that rock and cut histhoat if you only believe me. to tell it what to say,go do that. all you've heard about it,[unclear dialogue] moses then came down from mt. sinai, had climbed mt. sinai, and like that, saw thatsome people having drunk some wine, open chasm, andall fall in and drown.
all these had thischaracteristic, which develop, with this ancient civilizations. many of these pictures ofactivities scientific and to the wall, i go to these, so... [music] the scientificrevolution... who are these people who wentbefore us and made it possible for us to be who we areto have what we have, to live as long we live, to havethe life we have. francis bacon [unclear dialogue]of capernicus, thomas
maltheus, galileo, di vinci,isaac newton, excuse me, i go fast. immanual kant andcharles darwin are einstiens. the scientificrevolution..rennaissance, nature is subject to rational,natural laws. the most fundamental the mostprofound statement, and those who we "oh i thought itwas magic" "i thought it was devil doing it" "ithought god and goddesses were doing it." no, has precise cause,scientific, go find it.
nature, is subject to rational,natural laws. that's the most profoundstatement what has brought us to this level. imagine if we didn'tbelieve in that. these laws apply to animals,plants, the smallest piece of a solid atom, the smallest partof living dna, to liquid, to solid, and to small np's. all and everything, this is whathas brought us this far. you believe there is a cause,rational, natural cause.
imagine if you believe it iswork of gods and goddesses, we can't do anything, we cannotstop it, no way don't waste your time, if they want a tornadocomes, if weather, but this was most fundamental step we took tobrought us to where we are. there was natural magic therewas witchcraft, alchemy just all sorts of things; there werepeople who had magic power-- could make things disappear ormake things come in. you get sick, you die, in thebeginning many of these people also came to explain thecauses of human events.
rich, remember rich sign ofcontact with the devil. there were devil followers,so they hanged them. history shows how dangerous ourgestures about the world can become. those who were ignorant, whothought he/she did it, "remember that lightning, she did it,that witch did it. "go find him, find her. " there were people who believein that, that's what it means. that's what words can becomeonce they lose touch with
reality, we have it now. the victims are rare...rich,hunged, in the 17th century. they were hanged in the public. everyone was joyful, coming,having picnic, when these witches were hung, exactly likehitler did to the jews in the streets. okay now, just briefly, we werethere some of the great contributions of these greatancestors who brought us hope, dignity, life, happiness.
francis bacon, what did he say? mechanics of philosophyeverything can be explained by physical, chemical, andbiological laws. it can be explained and must beexplained, if it is not explained, this is thereason for it. it is clear, concise, andthat is called the mechanics of philosophy. applies precise scientifictechnologic laws. natures obeys the laws ofscience, there
are exceptions they said. rene' descartes, what washis contribution? he said a profound statement, "ithink, therefore i am." that means you exist if you canthink critically, otherwise you are guided, pulled here andthere, every direction, and somebody else has your destiny. that famous auguste rodin thethinker in paris museum, majestic impressive statue. they making this famous statueof thinker deeply wrapped in
thought, suggests that human isuniquely reflective, reflective and self- [uncleardialogue] and that is something fundamental to the humancondition. i would just share on tv thisbefore i came here, preacher said that's god's wordthat homosexuals are sinners. imagine that some people belivein that then go hurt and insult them; now imagine if thatperson was reflecting, wait a minute if my son ishomosexual, how would i want him to be treated?
that calls reflective, which ismost powerful of scientific. self [unclear dialogue] andthat this is something fundamental to the human. when we are human, we havethose senses, that is what it exactly says, we are reflectiveand think critically. one of the concepts geocentricconcept in the beginning you said earth is where we are,created god, earth is in the center of universe,called geocentric concept. it was believed for long timeand when the picture is
drawn, this is the earth andeverything goes around it, and the hell by the way isbelow the earth. this is earth, earth, and allother planets around it. that was the measure ofthe earth. then the science andtechnologies believed by ancient civilization, jews, christians,and muslims because earth where we are on it, and we arecreated in gods image, so it is a special place. then nicholas capernicus, whosaid [unclear dialogue]
he'd look at the motion of thestars, and planets and there is day and nightand season. now he's critically thinking, hethinks critically, he wants reason, and he looksfor evidence. he said, "heliocentricconcept", sun is in the center of universe. oh, you kicked out our earth outof center of universe? "oh you are in a lot oftrouble," and you will see and in the pictures the sun andother planets going around it,
this is where the earth is. same with pictures which iswhere sistine chapel began. that was a big event. he displaced the earth from thecenter of universe, and a lot of people were angry. you know when people areangry, what they do. you saw example of it a fewweeks ago, somebody had a video insulting muhammed, and peoplethen killed 4 innocent, 4 innocent, had nothing to dowith it, when we don't
think effectivly critically. some people always takeadvantage of those, and that was some people got upset. galileo, all heard about it, whofix a telescope that have different size thickness ofglass then looked up and saw the motion of the stars, and nowhe had evidence supporting that concept. oh, explain and it spread theheliocentric concept. they wrote a book and you seehere it shows you the pictures.
[unclear dialogue] they showedthe book, these three front pieces of the book they wrote,concerning their two system of the word, 1916 from left toright are aristotle, [unclear dialogue], andcapernicus, explained their evidences. difficult and published it, oh! they angered the pope and youall know how a trial and galileo brought his telescoope, put itup, and said holy come look at it, the truth shallset you free.
that was the straw that brokethe camels back. embarrassed as you was on[unclear dialogue] galileo. da vinci you all heard abouthim, great painter, he discussed the first good definition ofscience and technology. he said position vs. surgeon, position arescientists, surgeons are technologists. they use their concept to heal,to fix, to repair, maintain. isaac newton, you all heardfamous story, he was sleeping in
area of apple fell out oftree on his head. it shows here he was justobserving them, he saw the apples that were higher infalling they created more pressure on his head, andthe bigger, wait a minute, why the bigger apple hurt more? throw some rocks, you wantme to finish just second, take a break? when you read his literature,that's he wrote some of them. if you ever go to italy orparis you will see some of it
written by his hand, takena group to europe. isaac newton, he just observedthe bigger apple hurt more, they came faster, and he came[unclear dialogue] from science and experiemental philosophy. he brought the newton lawof gravity. gravity depends on the speed andmass of the subjects. still we use it, we use it totake outer space craft all the way to the moon, to marsand bringing things down, airplane everthing.
no magic, it is a law. the world again once moreis a great machine that connects philosophy. do you want me to stophere, or... >> dr. wahby: is this a good stopping point? >> dr. bahlarlou: that is good, we could stop here and you are the boss! >>dr. wahby: no you are, we will turn the lights up likethis, and
would you give him a round ofapplause please. >> dr. bahlarlou: thank you very much, if you want to stay and ask me anyquestions, please do so. some of this concept, you arehigher education, it could bother some of you. i used to be like you. if you are any one of you here,i was born in iran in persia, dominated by islam. i saw what would happen ifsomebody disagreed with
you, with your concept of theworld, concept of humanity. i was angry because when we goto mosque, my mother has to go to other side of the curtain,cover herself, could not see man, covered completely. why, because woman was toseduce man, if they have any parts showing. i saw those, so i lived ina place that you couldn't ask questions. fortunately we live in countrythat we have the freedom to
express ourselve in a collegiatemanner so, if you please, with all emotion that you have. >> dr. wahby: when did you leave? >> dr. bahlarlou: i left on november 10, 1961, landed in new york city, istill remember that moment, my eyes were full of tears. i couldn't believe i was there. >> dr wahby: you left before the revolution? >> dr. bahlarlou: the shah was
there as a dictator. i lived under a dictator, theshah of iran or king of iran. >> dr. wahby: but was he open-minded? >> dr. bahlarlou: no. no dictator is openminded, ifyou follow them... i was sitting in movie theatre iwill never forget... i was in movie theatre in persiain iran in the beginning they show the national anthem, whichis praise of the shah. i wasn't feeling good, andeverybody has to stand up, i
couldn't stand up, i reallyhad a great fever. police came, dragged me likethis, all the way out of the movie theatre, and kickedmy in my butts twice. i said, "i don't want youhere any more." i said "i am sick, i couldn'tstand up, i am sorry, i apoligize." this is where i lived, thisis what i saw. mullah, must go on top of astaircase and praise, i didn't see a single womanbeing a mullah.
>> dr. wahby: what does mullah mean? >> dr. bahlarlou: it means religious leader. how many priests, how many womenare priests by the way? how many? >> dr. wahby: in the church? >> dr. bahlarlou: how many women has been ordained as a priest? >>student:catholic church? >>dr.bahlarlou:catholic church.
none! you see, you see it everyplace. what is wrong with a woman thatcannot be a priest? god said, "you gave the apple toadam and he ate and his eyes got opened, and caused them getkicked from garden of eden." you committed original sin,otherwise, you be in garden of eden. there eyes were closed. i lived in other system, i seenit, and i see it here.
how many women have beenpresident of united states? how many have been vicepresident of united states? none. it is not all places thatprejudices, for people who don't think critically. who cannot respect their mother,their sister, their daughter, their mind is so covered andwrapped that they don't see how can i do anything. i have two daughters my wife isa woman, my mother is
a woman, my grandmotheris a woman. see, that's what dr. wahby,this is the class, and i can talk like that here. or if it was a catholicuniversity, i would be kicked out, by the way, 30 minutesfrom now, say that. >> dr. wahby: you were kicked from iran because of that? >> dr. bahlarlou: no i became valedictorian, i studied hard and becamevalidictorian at
[unclear dialogue] university,then they give me permission of institutionwith scholarship to go outside the country tostudy and come back. >> dr. wahby: to come back. >> dr. bahlarlou: to come back. i left, and went to universityof michigan lancaster. in 1963 i married my wifecarlene baharlou, an american, a week later i got a letter inmy post office box. >> dr. wahby: she was an american?
>> dr. bahlarlou: she is american, carlene my wife, a letter said, "you havemarried a foreigner, all scholarships all everything hasbeen discontinued." the next day, this is exactlywhat happened. i am telling this story october12, that i am getting award in california, took that tomy department chair, dr. charles mankin, universityof oklahoma. i was into physic field master,and told dr. mankin, he said "don't worry about it, iestablish your scholarship,
i give you job for yourexpenses." he did that, he did it for me,an american, and i stayed. owe it to this country. i got my phd, i have been deanand department chair, i have accent, and they know thati wasn't american, i was born like that. nobody every treated medifferently, i've got most of the award possible. this means when peoplemost atleast
think critically andreflectively. >> dr. wahby: well, he has been for an hour now almost throwing pebbles,sometimes rocks, in the pool of my mind. i am not sure about you, but ihave five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,twelve, thirteen questions for him. because i didn't agree with somethings he said, and i'm not sure about you.
i am not going to start askinghim back about things i didn't accept in his speech, andi am not sure about you, but let's take 5 minutes make it 10minutes, and then come back promptly in 10 minutes. >> dr. bahlarlou: you have a nice break. i would be happy to answerquestions. i hope you have questions. >> dr. wahby: all right, ten minutes then come back please.
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