hey guys welcome back. i'm doing another wear test video today. this time it's with the kat von d lock-ittattoo foundation in 41 light neutral. kat von d beauty sent me this foundation andall of the brushes that you will see in this video. i've already prepped my face with my hourglassprimer and this is the primer that i prefer to use. so many of you said last time that i didn'tapply the foundation the way you would because i used a beauty blender, so i'm going to applythe foundation this time using the kvd brushes
and tools. and we will see how it works. i'm really really excited by the fact thati get to show you shade 41 light neutral because it's a brand new shade and i'm curious tosee if it works or if it's going to be too light because it could be too light for myskin. and that would be a first. usually things are too dark or too pink. as i mentioned before i prepped my skin byapplying the hourglass veil mineral primer. before that i hydrated the fuck out of myskin by putting on all of my moisturizers.
i'm trying a new skincare routine and i'min week three of it and it calls for basically applying a shit ton of moisturizer. so my skin has been very well hydrated recently. so this is the foundation brush. i'm going to go ahead and apply it. i'm going to do it on half of my face firstand see how it matches and then do the rest. ok so i have it on half of my face. i'm going to take pictures out in the sunto see how well it matches or doesn't match. if it's too light or too dark or whateverfor my skin.
i feel like it's neutral toned and it looksreally good but it might actually be a little bit too light, which is amazing. i'm going to go ahead and put it on the restof my face. now i am going to use a little bit of thekat von d setting powder. and i'm going to set my nose because thatseems to be, like the center of my face seems to be where my rosacea wears off all things. so i only applied setting powder to my chin,nose, inner cheeks and a little at the center of my forehead. those are the places that the redness frommy rosacea is usually very prominent and that
tends to be where foundation wants to wearaway on me. i am going to go ahead and spray with a littleurban decay chill setting spray. here's my profile from the side. i'm going to insert a picture of what thisfoundation looks like outside out in the sun so that i can see if it matches perfectly,if it's too light or too dark. i think the color is perfect! i also feel like it applied a lot better thistime because of using the dense brushes from kvd as opposed to the beauty blender, whichreally surprises me. because i normally feel like the beauty blender is how you make yourfoundation look airbrushed and perfect.
so i'm really impressed by the dense brush. the brush that i bought to try this out againwith was the real techniques expert face brush because that's what somebody recommended inthe comments section of my last kvd video. this brush is not as dense as the kvd brush. or as stiff. so i think that i like that the kvd is plush. i don't know if you can see but it doesn'thave a lot of give, it's very dense and full. so yeah this is a cool brush. ok i stuck on a little bit of lip color.
this is jouer praline. it's a long wearing metallic matte liquidlipstick. it's a pinky bronzey coppery penny color. i'm going to zoom in so you can see how thisfoundation looks a little bit closer up. but not so close that it's creepy becausemy camera films in hd and this is not an hd foundation. so from the side. the forehead and the nose. i'm getting a little bit of settling intothe line under my eyes.
i didn't set that with powder. maybe i should. i'm just going to set it with whatever's lefton the brush. the time is 3:50 pm. i'm starting this wear test really late. i'll be checking back in a couple more hours. it's 7:44 pm. about 4 hours after initial application. i'm just doing a quick check in.
from a distance i think everything looks great. the liquid lipstick praline is holding uppretty well too considering that i had steamed salmon, steamed green beans, cauliflour mash,and the sauce that my husband made was sort of like a wine sauce with some lemon, butter,carmelized onions. it was delicious and probably kind of oily. lipstick looks pretty good, all things considered. on to the foundation. i feel like the foundation looks really good. i think it looks a little bit weird, likeit's wearing off my nose, which is weird considering
that's where i powdered it. i'm going to zoom in a little bit but notto gross proportions. after looking at this foundation out in thesun, in the pictures that i took, i feel like it's a perfect match. i feel like you can't tell where the foundationends and my skin begins. really really happy with the color match. i think the color match is amazing. because i prepped my skin by doing extra moisturizerand then using my favorite primer i feel like it's been very comfortable to wear.
i don't feel like it is emphasizing the finelines around my eyes. maybe it is a tiny bit at the inner cornerbut i did powder under the eyes. i can rub that out with my finger tip. so that's not terrible. anyway i'll be back in another couple hoursfor another check in. it's 11:51 pm so it's about 8 hours, maybea little bit longer since my initial application. i feel like the foundation looks mostly ok. where it doesn't look ok, at least to me isright here, on my nose and my cheeks, and on my chin. and at the center of my forehead,basically everywhere i stuck the powder.
it doesn't look terrible but it doesn't lookgreat. and that seems t be the area of my face thathas the most trouble with foundation, especially after 8 or 9 hours. the rest of my face looks fine like i'm notwearing foundation. specifically where i put the powder to setit, i think it looks bad. so let me zoom in a little bit for you. i think if i put some pressed powder on it,it will make it look better. this is where it's at after about 8 hours. oh also, i've been wearing praline all daywith no touch ups.
it didn't come off with dinner, it didn'tcome off with my snack of yogurt, i've drank water, i've drank wine, i've had soda. seems to be lasting. so impressed! it's 12:52 am. so a little more than 9 hours after initialapplication. i'm feeling a little bit silly so i have mydraenei horns on. so to me the foundation looks great exceptright here at the center of my face, which seems to happen with so many of the foundationsthat i try.
i just find it interesting that the only placei powdered was really at the center and that's where i feel like i show the most wear. so i'm going to zoom in so you can look. not to a gross distance or anything but alittle bit closer (hd camera vs. non-hd foundation) i feel like the outer part of my face looksfine. the inner part shows wear. i don't feel like i have a lot of rednessfrom my rosacea peeking through but i do feel like it looks like it's foundation now sittingon top of my skin. so i feel like from here back i look ok, butthat center part just doesn't look right.
what do you think? now one thing i did want to see is what happensif i put my lucy minerals pressed foundation in courtney on top. so i'm going to have to try the kvd foundationagain. i'm not going to set it with powder on topsince the kvd powder didn't seem to work for me. if you have any suggestions on what you thinkwould work better for setting the center of my face, which just seems to like eat themakeup off or mostly eat it off, i would love to know.
overall i am definitely more impressed thanthe last time i gave this a wear test and the first time i wore it. i have to say that applying this foundationwith the foundation brush that kat von d created made a world of difference. i don't know why it's so much better thanwhen i applied it with the beauty blender but it seemed to meld with my skin better. it didn't seem to sit on top of my face, likeit did when i applied it previously. it doesn't look like, aside from the centerof my face, i think it looks really good with the rest of my skin.
i feel like it blends in pretty well. but these brushes are actually pretty amazing. i'm really impressed. love these brushes! i absolutely love the color 41 light neutral. it is a perfect match for my pale skin. i think it looks amazing so i just need tofigure out how to get it to last on the center of my face. the jouer praline liquid lipstick still goingstrong.
doesn't really show much, if any wear. when i'm looking in the mirror, my lips dofeel dry after 9 hours but it doesn't come off. here let me show you by kissing the back ofmy hand. there's nothing on the back of my hand. it dries down really well. i like this color with my blue hair. i don't know if all of the formulas are likethis. they could be different.
i have praline and fairy that are both metallic. it's very comfortable to wear, it's very lightweightand while my lips do feel dry after 9 hours i haven't had the urge to lick them or anythinglike that. i don't feel like the color has come off. it didn't come off on any of the glasses thati drank out of. and i think i mentioned earlier i was drinking wine, soda, and water, lotsof water. i've been trying so hard to cut back on mysoda. i'm limiting myself to 2 vanilla coke zerosa day and i'm trying to do less than that. mostly it's been water water water.
it's been fine. hey guys welcome back today i'm doing anotherwear test with the kat von d lock it foundation in 41 light neutral. i'm also going to try the new concealer inl1 neutral. i've already put hourglass veil mineral primeron my face. so that it's prepped. my skin is very well moisturized. check out the cool little doe foot on theconcealer. ok so i have the concealer and foundationon, i think it looks really good.
i know it's going to meld with my skin andit will be seamless and you will not be able to see where my foundation ends and my skinbegins. ok so i put on a little bit of lip color. this is jouer cassis. it's a matte long wearing liquid lipstick,so i'll be telling you how this wears throughout the day. i put on a little bit of blush, contour andhighlight. i put on urban decay x-rated blush, i puton aromaleigh aconitum napellus for my contour, and my highlight is anastasia beverly hillspurple horsehoe.
so i've got a little bit of glow going on. it is 2:18 pm and i'll be back in a coupleof hours. it's 6:44 pm. i'm just checking in. i guess it's probably been 4 hours, 4.5 hoursafter initial application. and i feel like things are looking prettygood. the main difference in what i did today vs.yesterday is i skipped applying the setting powder. i just went straight for the setting spray.
i think it looks pretty good. i did actually put on blush, contour and highlightertoday instead of not doing anything because i had to go out and go to the doctor. i'm going to let you look at me. my highlght color is very very obvious. i did that on purpose. it's what i want. i strongly suspect that the only place i'mgoing to have a lot of wear is right on my nose.
i've had to blow my nose a million times todaybecause of my allergies. so that's really been annoying. my chin looks great. i feel like my cheeks look great. my forehead looks good. so i'm pretty happy. it's 12:28 am. i forgot to check in a couple hours ago butithink i put this on around 2pm so it's been at least 10 hours.
i'm doing pretty good. i do feel like it looks like it's worn awayon my nose, but it wore away to where it just kind of looks like it's my skin. it doesn't look like it's a horrible papermache mess. it doesn't look gross. i feel like i could powder it and it wouldlook ok. i feel like it held up pretty well for mostof my face. in fact you can still see my blush, contourand highlight are going strong. the lipstick is looking ok.
it's looking a little worm at the inner rim,but considering that i had dinner, i had a snack, i had ice cream, i had sake, i hada glass of wine, i've had a lot of water so that i could be sober so yeah. anyway, i'm going to see what it looks likeif i try to powder my nose with it like this, since i did not put setting powder on it earlierat all. ok i think that looks fine. i'm much more impressed with how the foundationheld up with just the the primer, foundation and setting spray. as opposed to using the setting powder.
let me zoom in a little bit (remember, hdvideo camera, not an hd foundation). and the lipstick isn't terrible, but it doeshave wear. it looks like it needs a little bit of a touchup. my lips don't feel super super dry at all. i'm surprised. normally when i've been wearing liquid lipsticksfor like 12+ hours i feel like my lips have shriveled up into little raisins. i don't feel like that's going on. so i'm really enjoying the jouer formula.
welcome back this is day 3 of my wear test. i've already applied my hourglass veil mineralprimer. i'm going to try something a little differenttoday. i'm going to use the setting powder first,only at the center of my face, where the foundation is prone to wearing away. i was talking to my friend norah of norahloves makeup, she's a professional makeup artist. she works in new york and la. and i told her about the problem that i washaving with my foundation where it was wearing
off at the center of my face on my nose. she said that's average, it happens to mostpeople .that the only way to ensure that it doesn't happen to you is if you use a waxbased foundation like rcma. i'll put a link to her blog because her workis amazing. like i said she works as a professional makeupartist for tv, print, movies, stuff like that. it's 1:35 pm. i'll be back to check in in a few hours. right now, i'm going to go see suicide squad. ok i was wrong.
i'm not wearing that frosty pink outside ofthis house. i put on fyrinnae sugar coated lipstick. i put on a little bit of contour, blush andhighlight. i forgot to do a close up of my foundationso that you can see what it looks like after it settles on the skin a little bit. so here we are close up. i feel very happy with it. i feel like it melds with my skin. so we're going to see how it wears today.
and since i'm all about the check ins, it's1:54 pm. see you in a few hours. it's 6:09 pm. i just got back from seeing suicide squad. i've had my makeup on for about 4.5 hours. i got caught out in the rain because it'sflorida and it rains a lot during the summer. and i think my makeup looks ok around theoutside. my nose doesn't look good. let me zoom in a little bit for you.
so you can see i feel like the cheek looksok, that's fine. but my nose, i feel like it's showing wearright here. it looks like it's just, i don't know, settlinginto the pores a bit. so using the setting powder beforehand didn'tseem to help. it's 9:20 pm. i'm checking back in. and really, the foundation, where i put thepowder, is where the foundation is gone. so for me that doesn't seem to work. but i can obviously touch it up with my lucyminerals foundation.
and it should be good to go. problem solved! so i'm going to zoom in a little bit. overall i don't think it's looking bad. when i was in my bathroom a few minutes ago,i was taking a look and i felt like even in the normal bathroom lighting i couldn't seethat i had wear on my nose but i knew the wear was there because i knew that's whereit was going to be. so when i came into my office in my studiolights, i was like sure enough, it's gone from my nose and chin.
so i just put a little lucy minerals powderon it to cover it up. i think it looks fine now. so i'm completely shocked by how the kat vond lock it foundation applies if you apply it with the right tool. in the past i've applied it with the beautyblender or my fingers or another foundation brush, i don't feel like i got very good results. i felt like the foundation would be sort ofthick and cakey. it would emphasize lines around my eyes thati didn't even know that i had. so i didn't feel like it looked very goodon me.
a couple of you left comments on my previouskat von d video saying that it looked like i had paper mache goop on my face. so clearly you guys didn't think it lookedvery good either! this time around after applying it with thekat von d brush and concealer brush i feel like it looks pretty good! for one, i'm so impressed by the color matchof 41 light neutral, to me this is a perfect match for my skintone. i think it looks flawless. the color match is spot on amazing.
i feel like it wears really well around mostof my face, my nose apparently wears off and i'll have to touch up. according to my friend norah who's a makeupartist, that's normal, so i shouldn't really be too upset about that. i can't get over how much of a differenceit makes to use the right tool. i don't own any brushes that are the sameshape as this brush. the kat von d foundation brush, which is kindof like, it's super dense and it tapers in so it's almost like a triangle, i don't knowhow well you can see it from the side. it's so, so dense.
it does't have much flex or give. and i think because it's tapered and pointedit just does a really great job of getting around the face, thinning out the foundationbecause, if you'll remember, in the previous video, for me t get the foundation on i mixedit with a squirt of the kat von d primer to make it a thinner consistency to work with. with this brush, you don't need to do that. so you get the full coverage and it just managesto sheer it, it's not even really sheering it out, it spreads it out really nicely. togive you all of the coverage that you need. or at least i feel like i got all the coveragethat i need.
when i'm wearing this foundation i don't feelthat i need concealer. one of the wear tests that i did i did usethe kvd concealer in the shade l1 neutral, and i feel like it works really well undermy eyes. i actually think that i like it better thanmy the urban decay naked skin concealer in fair neutral, which is what i've been usingfor, i don't know, a few years. so i'm really impressed by the formula onthis and the coverage that you get with it. where previously i said that this foundationwas not for me. i thought it was best for oily skin becauseit seemed to work better from my understanding of it with oily skin.
i've completely reversed my opinion. i feel like, if you apply it with a brushthat, if it's not this brush, which this brush is pretty amazing, a very very dense taperedbrush, i think you will get good results. if you have dry skin like i do make sure youmoisturize well beforehand. which is what i've been doing. and i don't feel like it clung to any drypatches. i don't feel like it emphasized dryness. normally if i'm going to see dryness it'sgoing to be along the sides of my nose. i don't feel like i see any that and i havebeen wearing it for the past 4 or 5 days.
and i recorded like 3 or 4 of those days andi don't feel like i see that going on in any of the video footage or photos. so i'm really impressed! so i would say if you've tried the kat vond lock it foundation in the past and didn't like it and felt like it was thick and cakeyand hard to apply, get a sample of it and try it with a dense brush. you don't have to go out and buy the kat vond brush but you need to use a very dense brush with little give. someone had recommended the real techniquesexpert face brush, so that might work for
some of you. which is kind of oval shaped and dense. it's slightly tapered around the top but itdoesn't come to a point. i don't feel like this works as well for mepersonally but it might work for you. especially because someone recommended iton my comments, so this might be a really good alternative. if you have a brush that's really really denselike this, use that. try the foundation with that dense brush andsee how it applies for you. as of right now i think that this foundationis my go-to foundation for when i need to
make sure i have full coverage. i'm impressed with by how it looks on me andhow it well it works and the color match. i love the color match! i'm so glad that kat von d came out with asuper pale neutral. so if you have pale skin like me, you're goingto love this color! i believe it's going to be launching sometimelater this year in the next couple months. this shade isn't out yet. but it will be out soon. i hope!
because i know that many of you will be wearingit. let me know what you think of this followup wear test video and mega review of the kat von d foundation in the comments below. i am now a convert! if you like this video, give it a thumbs upand share. it means the world to me when you share myvideos. thank you so much for watching!
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