hey there welcome to the grammar hey there welcome to the grammarand vocabulary lesson and vocabulary lesson and vocabulary lessonfor the conversation mysterious for the conversation mysterious for the conversation mysterioussightings sightings sightingsjust relax listening to the just relax listening to the
just relax listening to thesimple explanations simple explanations simple explanationsand don't worry about the and don't worry about the and don't worry about thegrammar listen to this lesson grammar listen to this lesson grammar listen to this lessonas many times as you need to as many times as you need to as many times as you need totake your time
take your time take your timeand really master it let's get and really master it let's get and really master it let's getstarted started startedi begin our conversation with i begin our conversation with i begin our conversation withwell hey alec how's it going well hey alec how's it going
well hey alec how's it goingwell well welland hey are just being used to and hey are just being used to and hey are just being used toget someone's attention get someone's attention get someone's attentionor begin conversations also or begin conversations also or begin conversations alsohow's it going is a typical
how's it going is a typical how's it going is a typicalcasual greeting casual greeting casual greetingwe use hello when we meet we use hello when we meet we use hello when we meetsomeone for the first time someone for the first time someone for the first timehow's it going is used for how's it going is used for
how's it going is used forpeople we know well people we know well people we know wellthe eat ian house it going can the eat ian house it going can the eat ian house it going canrefer to the person refer to the person refer to the personor their life in general then or their life in general then or their life in general thenalec replied with
alec replied with alec replied withpretty good how about yourself pretty good how about yourself pretty good how about yourselfpretty good pretty good pretty goodis a casual response to a casual is a casual response to a casual is a casual response to a casualgreeting it means greeting it means
greeting it meansokay how bout yourself is a okay how bout yourself is a okay how bout yourself is acasual way casual way casual wayasking how someone is bout asking how someone is bout asking how someone is boutis just a shortened casual way is just a shortened casual way is just a shortened casual wayup seeing
up seeing up seeingabout then i said i'm doing about then i said i'm doing about then i said i'm doingalright alright alrighti i wanted to tell you today i i wanted to tell you today i i wanted to tell you todayabout a really interesting about a really interesting
about a really interestingarticle i was reading online article i was reading online article i was reading onlineabout another about another about anotherbigfoot sighting i'm doing bigfoot sighting i'm doing bigfoot sighting i'm doingalright means alright means alright meansi'm okie also other is
i'm okie also other is i'm okie also other isjust english filler word with no just english filler word with no just english filler word with nomeanie used when we are thinking meanie used when we are thinking meanie used when we are thinkingor don't know what to say or don't know what to say or don't know what to sayenglish conversations our field english conversations our field
english conversations our fieldwith filler words like this with filler words like this with filler words like thisadditionally additionally additionallyi wanted to tell you is a great i wanted to tell you is a great i wanted to tell you is a greatfreeze we use when we want to freeze we use when we want to freeze we use when we want tobegin telling a story
begin telling a story begin telling a storyor an idea bigfoot is a large or an idea bigfoot is a large or an idea bigfoot is a largehe re ape-like creature much he re ape-like creature much he re ape-like creature muchbigger than a man bigger than a man bigger than a manwhich made leave in north which made leave in north
which made leave in northamerica and citing happens america and citing happens america and citing happenswhen something is seen a ufo when something is seen a ufo when something is seen a ufosighting sighting sightingmeans a ufo was seen then alex means a ufo was seen then alex means a ufo was seen then alexsaid
said saidanother bigfoot sighting and i another bigfoot sighting and i another bigfoot sighting and isaid saidyeah you know a you know bigfoot yeah you know a you know bigfoot yeah you know a you know bigfoota the yeti or the abominable a the yeti or the abominable a the yeti or the abominablesnowmen
snowmen snowmenyet is a casual way of saying yet is a casual way of saying yet is a casual way of sayingyes and you know is short for yes and you know is short for yes and you know is short foryou know you know you knowalso yeti is the name for the also yeti is the name for the
also yeti is the name for thebigfoot like creature in the bigfoot like creature in the bigfoot like creature in thehimalayan mountains himalayan mountains himalayan mountainsand abominable snowman is and abominable snowman is and abominable snowman isanother name for the yeti another name for the yeti another name for the yetiabominable means unpleasant he
abominable means unpleasant he abominable means unpleasant hedid did didor detestable and alex said or detestable and alex said or detestable and alex saidwill bigfoot a comes from will bigfoot a comes from will bigfoot a comes fromamerica america
americaand the yeti and the abominable and the yeti and the abominable and the yeti and the abominablesnowman come from the himalayas snowman come from the himalayas snowman come from the himalayasunderstanding i said all really understanding i said all really understanding i said all reallyokay okay okayso all really is a great way
so all really is a great way so all really is a great wayasking for confirmation asking for confirmation asking for confirmationin a conversation and showing in a conversation and showing in a conversation and showingthat you're listening that you're listening that you're listeningand interested then alec went on and interested then alec went on
and interested then alec went onto say to say to saytheir different creatures their different creatures their different creaturescreature is creature is creature isany living thing and can be used any living thing and can be used any living thing and can be usedto describe any
to describe any to describe anykind of animal and i said %ah kind of animal and i said %ah kind of animal and i said %ahi a has many uses depending on i a has many uses depending on i a has many uses depending onyour your yourin tow nation i i forgot my keys in tow nation i i forgot my keys
in tow nation i i forgot my keysi i understand what you mean i i understand what you mean i i understand what you meani this bath feels great i this bath feels great i this bath feels greatthen alex said mythological then alex said mythological then alex said mythologicalcreatures creatures creaturesor mythological means something
or mythological means something or mythological means somethingcoming from coming from coming fromamir a myth is a story that may amir a myth is a story that may amir a myth is a story that mayhave come from true have come from true have come from trueor fictional events a unicorn or fictional events a unicorn
or fictional events a unicornis a mythical creature and i is a mythical creature and i is a mythical creature and isaid saidsure sure and alec replied sure sure and alec replied sure sure and alec repliedmay be real then i said may be may be real then i said may be may be real then i said may bereal real
realwell again so this the sky well again so this the sky well again so this the skythinks he saw one thinks he saw one thinks he saw onea near a burger king a near a burger king a near a burger kingaround guy is a casual word for around guy is a casual word for around guy is a casual word forman it can also be used to refer
man it can also be used to refer man it can also be used to referto a group of men and women to a group of men and women to a group of men and womenby the way burger king is a be by the way burger king is a be by the way burger king is a bemissed fast food hamburger missed fast food hamburger missed fast food hamburgerrestaurant restaurant
restaurantthen alex said my goodness carry then alex said my goodness carry then alex said my goodness carryon please on please on pleasemy goodness is away up saying my goodness is away up saying my goodness is away up sayingwow wow wowwe use this when we're excited
we use this when we're excited we use this when we're excitedor surprised or surprised or surprisedalso carry-on means to continue also carry-on means to continue also carry-on means to continueplease carry on can also be used please carry on can also be used please carry on can also be usedthen i went on to say well then i went on to say well
then i went on to say wellalright so alright so alright soalright i know but you know i alright i know but you know i alright i know but you know ilike the like the like theand alec said this is very and alec said this is very and alec said this is veryinteresting
interesting interestingand i continue with you know and i continue with you know and i continue with you knowwhen you think about when you think about when you think aboutseen a mythical creature you seen a mythical creature you seen a mythical creature youdon't think about burger king don't think about burger king
don't think about burger kingand alec agreed saying no you and alec agreed saying no you and alec agreed saying no youcertainly don't certainly don't certainly don'tthen i went on to say you think then i went on to say you think then i went on to say you thinkabout the woods somewhere about the woods somewhere about the woods somewhereit's kinda foggy and it's an
it's kinda foggy and it's an it's kinda foggy and it's aninteresting scene interesting scene interesting scenelike something you see in the like something you see in the like something you see in themovies anyway movies anyway movies anywaya so i'm reading this article a so i'm reading this article
a so i'm reading this articleand he says he thinks he saw and he says he thinks he saw and he says he thinks he sawsomething and he took something and he took something and he tookout his camera and of course he out his camera and of course he out his camera and of course hetook took tookkinda fuzzy blurry picture
kinda fuzzy blurry picture kinda fuzzy blurry pictureup some big a kinda thing up some big a kinda thing up some big a kinda thingrunning away running away running awayand like most at the pictures and like most at the pictures and like most at the picturesabout bigfoot or any other kind about bigfoot or any other kind
about bigfoot or any other kindmythical creature a it was mythical creature a it was mythical creature a it wasblurry and you couldn't see blurry and you couldn't see blurry and you couldn't seereally with the picture was up really with the picture was up really with the picture was upthere are quite a few points there are quite a few points there are quite a few pointsin this section so let's go back
in this section so let's go back in this section so let's go backover them over them over themok woods is at stake group of ok woods is at stake group of ok woods is at stake group oftrees its smaller trees its smaller trees its smallerin a forest we usually use the in a forest we usually use the
in a forest we usually use theword woods word woods word woodsand not the singular would woods and not the singular would woods and not the singular would woodsare usually are usually are usuallyin colder areas and have in colder areas and have in colder areas and havedifferent trees that tropical
different trees that tropical different trees that tropicaljungles jungles jungleskinda is short for kind up and kinda is short for kind up and kinda is short for kind up andmeans means meansa little bit you can use this to a little bit you can use this to
a little bit you can use this todescribe feelings describe feelings describe feelingsand whether i'm kinda tired its and whether i'm kinda tired its and whether i'm kinda tired itskinda hot today fog is a kinda hot today fog is a kinda hot today fog is acloud-like layer cloud-like layer cloud-like layerthat covers the ground also
that covers the ground also that covers the ground alsosomething you see in movies something you see in movies something you see in moviesis a great freeze that we use to is a great freeze that we use to is a great freeze that we use todescribe something that looks describe something that looks describe something that lookslike it could be from like it could be from
like it could be froma movie notice that we use the a movie notice that we use the a movie notice that we use themovies movies moviesas an expression and don't say as an expression and don't say as an expression and don't saysomething you see in movies something you see in moviesyou can also go to the movies you can also go to the movies
you can also go to the movieseven when you were only going to even when you were only going to even when you were only going tosee one film see one film see one filmat a movie theater the word at a movie theater the word at a movie theater the wordanyway anyway anywayis used to help bring people
is used to help bring people is used to help bring peopleback to the point back to the point back to the pointor original idea up a or original idea up a or original idea up aconversation conversation conversationadditionally take out is a additionally take out is a
additionally take out is afreeze over we use freeze over we use freeze over we usewhen removing something take out when removing something take out when removing something take outyour pencil your pencil your pencilnotice how this phrasal verb is notice how this phrasal verb is notice how this phrasal verb isdifferent from take
different from take different from takeout which we use when we remove out which we use when we remove out which we use when we removefood food foodfrom a restaurant and finally from a restaurant and finally from a restaurant and finallyboth both
bothfuzzy and blurry are the fuzzy and blurry are the fuzzy and blurry are theopposite have clear opposite have clear opposite have clearand shark then alex said so and shark then alex said so and shark then alex said soit seems to me that its fake it seems to me that its fake it seems to me that its fakeit seems to me is a great way to
it seems to me is a great way to it seems to me is a great way toexpress an opinion express an opinion express an opinionseen means look like or feel seen means look like or feel seen means look like or feellike like likealso fake means not real also fake means not real
also fake means not realthen i went on to say will i then i went on to say will i then i went on to say will iguess it guess it guess iti guess it could be fake a whale i guess it could be fake a whale i guess it could be fake a whalei mean obviously we don't know i mean obviously we don't know i mean obviously we don't knowfor sure
for sure for sureif there is a real bigfoot or an if there is a real bigfoot or an if there is a real bigfoot or anabominable snowman abominable snowman abominable snowmanor something like that i but the or something like that i but the or something like that i but thething thing
thingi found interesting was dead you i found interesting was dead you i found interesting was dead youknow we still get articles and know we still get articles and know we still get articles andnews reports about bigfoot being news reports about bigfoot being news reports about bigfoot beingseen seen seenand these are even just online
and these are even just online and these are even just onlinearticles articles articlesyou can see this on a regular a you can see this on a regular a you can see this on a regular amainstream tv news mainstream tv news mainstream tv newsnetwork tv news they'll network tv news they'll
network tv news they'llsometimes have sometimes have sometimes havea maybe a a story about aliens a maybe a a story about aliens a maybe a a story about aliensor something like that here's or something like that here's or something like that here'sanother long section a another long section a another long section aconversation
conversationwith some great words and with some great words and with some great words andphrases i guess phrases i guess phrases i guessis another way up expressing is another way up expressing is another way up expressingyour opinion your opinion your opinionand i mean is filler phrase used
and i mean is filler phrase used and i mean is filler phrase usedwhen we want to say something when we want to say something when we want to say somethingin a different way honey that in a different way honey that in a different way honey thatdress makes you look dress makes you look dress makes you lookkinda big i mean you look kinda big i mean you look
kinda big i mean you lookbeautiful beautiful beautifulwe don't know for sure is we don't know for sure is we don't know for sure isanother way of saying another way of saying another way of sayingthat we don't know also that we don't know also that we don't know alsosomething like that
something like that something like thatjust means something just means something just means somethingto find something interesting to find something interesting to find something interestingmeans you discovered something means you discovered something means you discovered somethingthat you thought was interesting that you thought was interesting
that you thought was interestingmainstream mainstream mainstreamis comin or usual mainstream is comin or usual mainstream is comin or usual mainstreamideas ideas ideasare ones believed by most people are ones believed by most people are ones believed by most peoplethe opposite but this word
the opposite but this word the opposite but this wordis three-inch then alec went on is three-inch then alec went on is three-inch then alec went onwith with withyes people are really interested yes people are really interested yes people are really interestedin in
inmysterious sightings for example mysterious sightings for example mysterious sightings for examplei'm very interested in the loch i'm very interested in the loch i'm very interested in the lochness monster ness monster ness monsternessie how about you mysterious nessie how about you mysterious nessie how about you mysteriousmeans unclear or curious like a
means unclear or curious like a means unclear or curious like amystery mystery mysteryand lock is the scottish word and lock is the scottish word and lock is the scottish wordfor lake for lake for lakethe sea monster that made leave the sea monster that made leave
the sea monster that made leavein the scottish loch ness in the scottish loch ness in the scottish loch nessis called nessie and i said is called nessie and i said is called nessie and i said%ah the yeah the loch ness %ah the yeah the loch ness %ah the yeah the loch nessmonster monster monsteri don't really know so much
i don't really know so much i don't really know so muchabout it i've been to scotland about it i've been to scotland about it i've been to scotlanda but i ii i'm quite a but i ii i'm quite a but i ii i'm quitequite skeptical love you know quite skeptical love you know quite skeptical love you knowsomething like the loch ness something like the loch ness
something like the loch nessmonster monsterthis thing must be pretty big this thing must be pretty big this thing must be pretty bigthis is a giant this is a giant this is a giantyou know some people call him you know some people call him you know some people call himlike a dinosaur like a dinosaur
like a dinosauror a sea serpent something like or a sea serpent something like or a sea serpent something likethat that thatyeah is slang for yes and i yeah is slang for yes and i yeah is slang for yes and idon't really know so much about don't really know so much about don't really know so much aboutthat
that thatis a great freeze we use when we is a great freeze we use when we is a great freeze we use when weonly know a little bit only know a little bit only know a little bitup something maybe i have heard up something maybe i have heard up something maybe i have heardabout something about something
about somethingbut i don't know any details but i don't know any details but i don't know any detailsskeptical skeptical skepticalmeans that you don't believe in means that you don't believe in means that you don't believe insomething or you don't something or you don't something or you don'teasily trust things you don't
easily trust things you don't easily trust things you don'tsee with your own eyes see with your own eyes see with your own eyesand a sea serpent or a giant and a sea serpent or a giant and a sea serpent or a giantsnake snake snakelake creature in some body of lake creature in some body of
lake creature in some body ofwater is a mythical animal water is a mythical animal water is a mythical animalthat fishermen sometimes report that fishermen sometimes report that fishermen sometimes reportsee see seethen alec continued with yeah then alec continued with yeah then alec continued with yeahthat's right
that's right that's rightand it's been spotted many times and it's been spotted many times and it's been spotted many timesbut the but the but thea the photographs are not so a a the photographs are not so a a the photographs are not so aconvincing to spot something convincing to spot something
convincing to spot somethingmeans means meansto see it you usually spot to see it you usually spot to see it you usually spotsomething it is difficult to something it is difficult to something it is difficult tofind find findlike a person in a crowd
like a person in a crowd like a person in a crowdconvince convince convinceis a verb it means show proof is a verb it means show proof is a verb it means show proofif you want me to believe in if you want me to believe in if you want me to believe inbigfoot you'll have to convince bigfoot you'll have to convince
bigfoot you'll have to convinceme me meconvincing is the noun form at convincing is the noun form at convincing is the noun form atthis for this for this forthen i said kinda blake lake the then i said kinda blake lake the then i said kinda blake lake theburger king bigfoot
burger king bigfoot burger king bigfootbasically basically is used when basically basically is used when basically basically is used whenwe want to begin we want to begin we want to beginexplaining something clearly explaining something clearly explaining something clearlythen alex said then alex said
then alex saidalmost certainly a yeah will almost certainly a yeah will almost certainly a yeah willmore convincing than that more convincing than that more convincing than thati must say 0 is another filler i must say 0 is another filler i must say 0 is another fillerword word wordand certainly means for sure and
and certainly means for sure and and certainly means for sure andi said i said i saidi see i see is used to me i see i see is used to me i see i see is used to mehi understand now it's time for hi understand now it's time for hi understand now it's time forspecial special
specialdo a challenge to help keep you do a challenge to help keep you do a challenge to help keep youawake and thinking awake and thinking awake and thinkingpretty special challenges you'll pretty special challenges you'll pretty special challenges you'llhave to speak move have to speak move have to speak moveor write something get up wake
or write something get up wake or write something get up wakeup and take the challenge to get up and take the challenge to get up and take the challenge to getflu it faster flu it faster flu it fasterhere we go be low is a list a here we go be low is a list a here we go be low is a list afew few
fewatm's related to magic test your atm's related to magic test your atm's related to magic test yourknowledge knowledge knowledgeand see how many you understand and see how many you understand and see how many you understandthe definitions have each the definitions have each the definitions have eachetienne can be found at the end
etienne can be found at the end etienne can be found at the endup this transcript up this transcript up this transcriptpractice your pronunciation and practice your pronunciation and practice your pronunciation andrepeat after me repeat after me repeat after menumber one works like magic number one works like magic
number one works like magicnumber two the magic touch number two the magic touch number two the magic touchnumber three a magic magical number three a magic magical number three a magic magicalmoment moment momentnumber four a magic wand number four a magic wand number four a magic wandnumber five the magic word
number five the magic word number five the magic wordand now back to our lesson and now back to our lesson and now back to our lessonalec continued with yeah but arm alec continued with yeah but arm alec continued with yeah but armi think there could be something i think there could be something i think there could be somethingin it because in it because
in it becausehave you ever been to loch ness have you ever been to loch ness have you ever been to loch nessthere could be something in it there could be something in it there could be something in itor to it means some part have an or to it means some part have an or to it means some part have anidea idea ideamight be believable maybe you
might be believable maybe you might be believable maybe youdon't believe don't believe don't believein the whole story but part a in the whole story but part a in the whole story but part abit could be true bit could be true bit could be trueand i said no i've never like i and i said no i've never like i
and i said no i've never like isaid saidi i've never been in i've been i i've never been in i've been i i've never been in i've beento scotland to scotland to scotlandbut i've never been to loch ness but i've never been to loch ness but i've never been to loch nesslike i said means as i told you like i said means as i told you
like i said means as i told youbefore before beforelike i said burger king is a like i said burger king is a like i said burger king is ahamburger restaurant hamburger restaurant hamburger restaurantand alec explained it's huge and and alec explained it's huge and and alec explained it's huge andit's very very deep and i said
it's very very deep and i said it's very very deep and i saidso there could be and allie so there could be and allie so there could be and alliecontinued with continued with continued withand it's very isolated isolated and it's very isolated isolated and it's very isolated isolatedmeans remote far away or means remote far away or
means remote far away ordifficult difficult difficultto get to then i said there to get to then i said there to get to then i said therecould be something could be something could be somethingsomething living in it another something living in it another something living in it anothercool thing besides mysterious
cool thing besides mysterious cool thing besides mysteriouscreatures creaturesis also mysterious places is also mysterious places is also mysterious placesexcited excited excitedalex said yes and i went on to alex said yes and i went on to alex said yes and i went on tosay
say sayso things like the a the pure so things like the a the pure so things like the a the puremaids maids maidsor the bermuda triangle or crop or the bermuda triangle or crop or the bermuda triangle or cropcircles even circles even
circles eventhe bermuda triangle is an area the bermuda triangle is an area the bermuda triangle is an areain the atlantic ocean in the atlantic ocean in the atlantic oceanwhere many ships and planes where many ships and planes where many ships and planesdisappear disappear disappearand crop circles are found
and crop circles are found and crop circles are foundinfield of plants infield of plants infield of plantslike corn and wheat some people like corn and wheat some people like corn and wheat some peoplebelieve that crop circles are believe that crop circles are believe that crop circles arecreated created
createdby aliens and alex said yeah by aliens and alex said yeah by aliens and alex said yeahcrop circles are very crop circles are very crop circles are veryinteresting they just appear interesting they just appear interesting they just appearout of nowhere seemingly out of nowhere seemingly out of nowhere seeminglysourdough overnight
sourdough overnight sourdough overnightwhen something comes from out of when something comes from out of when something comes from out ofnowhere it comes as a surprise nowhere it comes as a surprise nowhere it comes as a surpriseand from unknown origin things and from unknown origin things and from unknown origin thingsthat come that come
that comeout of nowhere usually a ride out of nowhere usually a ride out of nowhere usually a ridevery quickly very quickly very quicklythen i said yeah i've heard i've then i said yeah i've heard i've then i said yeah i've heard i'veheard lots of stories about heard lots of stories about heard lots of stories aboutabout crop circles and i i can
about crop circles and i i can about crop circles and i i cansee how some people would be see how some people would be see how some people would beable to make those able to make those able to make thosebut some of them seem almost too but some of them seem almost too but some of them seem almost toointricate to be made by people intricate to be made by people
intricate to be made by peopleintricate means having very intricate means having very intricate means having verycomplex for detailed complex for detailed complex for detaileddesign and then alec explained design and then alec explained design and then alec explainedwell actually most to them see well actually most to them see well actually most to them seeare too intricate and i said
are too intricate and i said are too intricate and i saidall really and alex said yes all really and alex said yes all really and alex said yesthere extraordinarily there extraordinarily there extraordinarilyrefined images geometrical refined images geometrical refined images geometricalimages images
imagesrefund means high-class refund means high-class refund means high-classhigh-quality high-quality high-qualityprecise and/or exact and precise and/or exact and precise and/or exact andgeometrical geometrical geometricalobject are patterns and basic
object are patterns and basic object are patterns and basicshapes like squares and circles shapes like squares and circles shapes like squares and circlesthen i said i must confess i then i said i must confess i then i said i must confess idon't know much about crop don't know much about crop don't know much about cropcircles circles
circlesbut have you ever seen have you but have you ever seen have you but have you ever seen have youever been to an actual crop ever been to an actual crop ever been to an actual cropcircle circle circlehere i must confess is away at here i must confess is away at here i must confess is away atthe meeting
the meeting the meetingthat you don't know something to that you don't know something to that you don't know something toconfess is to reveal confess is to reveal confess is to revealor tell troops also actual or tell troops also actual or tell troops also actualmeans real and alec admitted means real and alec admitted
means real and alec admittedi've never been to one i've never been to one i've never been to oneno but i've seen many many no but i've seen many many no but i've seen many manyimages imagesa there are a lot images all a there are a lot images all a there are a lot images allover the internet over the internet
over the internetactually then i said sure sure actually then i said sure sure actually then i said sure surehave you ever been been to any have you ever been been to any have you ever been been to anymysterious places mysterious places mysterious placesor lived in any mysterious or lived in any mysterious or lived in any mysteriousplaces
places placesand alec replied well and lived and alec replied well and lived and alec replied well and livedin a very mysterious place in a very mysterious place in a very mysterious placecalled glastonbury in england called glastonbury in england called glastonbury in englandcurious curious
curiousi asked all really and alex said i asked all really and alex said i asked all really and alex saidyet and it had a yet and it had a yet and it had aa trying to heal like a really a trying to heal like a really a trying to heal like a reallysymmetrical he'll symmetrical he'll symmetrical he'lland on the top of that hill well
and on the top of that hill well and on the top of that hill wellit was we're talking about now it was we're talking about now it was we're talking about nowof course and on the top of the of course and on the top of the of course and on the top of thehill there's hill there's hill there'store a single kinda church tower tore a single kinda church tower
tore a single kinda church towersymmetry means having the same symmetry means having the same symmetry means having the samethings in the same places things in the same places things in the same placeson both sides a balance point or on both sides a balance point or on both sides a balance point orline line lineand a tour is a high or jagged
and a tour is a high or jagged and a tour is a high or jaggedand rocky hill and rocky hill and rocky hillthis is a british word that most this is a british word that most this is a british word that mostamericans don't know americans don't know americans don't knowthen i said hmm mmm then i said hmm mmm
then i said hmm mmmis more filler used to show is more filler used to show is more filler used to showunderstanding or that you are understanding or that you are understanding or that you arelistening listening listeningthen alex said and this is a then alex said and this is a then alex said and this is avery famous and
very famous and very famous anda glastonbury attracts a lot of a glastonbury attracts a lot of a glastonbury attracts a lot ofpeople people peoplebetter into new age ideas and better into new age ideas and better into new age ideas andmeditation meditation
meditationnew-age is a collection up many new-age is a collection up many new-age is a collection up manydifferent ideas different ideas different ideasmeditation and spiritual meditation and spiritual meditation and spiritualunderstanding and healing understanding and healing understanding and healingare just a few aspect new age
are just a few aspect new age are just a few aspect new agephilosophies philosophies philosophiesalso if you listened carefully also if you listened carefully also if you listened carefullyyou'll have heard it you'll have heard it you'll have heard italec made the contraction that alec made the contraction that
alec made the contraction thatur ur urthis isn't a correct contraction this isn't a correct contraction this isn't a correct contractionbut we use it regularly in but we use it regularly in but we use it regularly inconversations conversations conversationsremember to stop worrying about
remember to stop worrying about remember to stop worrying aboutbeing perfect being perfect being perfectand i said hmm and alec went on and i said hmm and alec went on and i said hmm and alec went onto explain to explain to explainand a when i first went up to and a when i first went up to
and a when i first went up tothe top of the tour the top of the tour the top of the tourand went into this tower trying and went into this tower trying and went into this tower tryingto understand a word i'd never to understand a word i'd never to understand a word i'd neverheard before i asked heard before i asked heard before i askeda toll and alec explained yet
a toll and alec explained yet a toll and alec explained yetit's called a tour or a tower it's called a tour or a tower it's called a tour or a towerthen i asked then i asked then i askedhow do you spell that and alex how do you spell that and alex how do you spell that and alexbuild build
buildt 0 are and i said %uh t 0 are and i said %uh t 0 are and i said %uht 00 are haw finale continued t 00 are haw finale continued t 00 are haw finale continuedwith withso the first time i went in a it so the first time i went in a it so the first time i went in a itwas dirty was dirty
was dirtyand it smelled and i didn't like and it smelled and i didn't like and it smelled and i didn't likeit at all it at all it at allso i went down the hill with a so i went down the hill with a so i went down the hill with abad idea about it bad idea about it bad idea about itbut all the time arm i lived
but all the time arm i lived but all the time arm i livedthere i went there many times there i went there many times there i went there many timesand i said in and alex said and i said in and alex said and i said in and alex saidand every time i went there it and every time i went there it and every time i went there itgot more and more magical got more and more magical
got more and more magicaland i asked in what in what way and i asked in what in what way and i asked in what in what wayin what way is a great way in what way is a great way in what way is a great wayasking how something asking how something asking how somethinghe is or works then alec explain he is or works then alec explain he is or works then alec explainwill it had an amazing presence
will it had an amazing presence will it had an amazing presencea presence is a feeling a person a presence is a feeling a person a presence is a feeling a personor a place can have or a place can have or a place can havea presence and i said i a presence and i said i a presence and i said ian alexa explain that it had an an alexa explain that it had an
an alexa explain that it had anamazing energy amazing energy amazing energyand i find it with a lot of and i find it with a lot of and i find it with a lot ofglastonbury their glastonbury their glastonbury theirare a lot winding roads winding are a lot winding roads winding are a lot winding roads windingmeans curving back and forth and
means curving back and forth and means curving back and forth andi said i saidfrom and alex said and from and alex said and from and alex said anda i used to go for many walks a i used to go for many walks a i used to go for many walksand the energy was and the energy was and the energy waslovely you know and i asked all
lovely you know and i asked all lovely you know and i asked allreally really reallyand alec explained that it was and alec explained that it was and alec explained that it wasbeautiful energy beautiful energy beautiful energyyear it was a nice season anyway year it was a nice season anyway
year it was a nice season anywaysummer summer summerso the sun was shining through so the sun was shining through so the sun was shining throughthe leaves the leaves the leavesand i said %uh well it sounds and i said %uh well it sounds and i said %uh well it soundslike a really cool place to live
like a really cool place to live like a really cool place to livesounds like is used to describe sounds like is used to describe sounds like is used to describesomething you are sheree something you are sheree something you are shereeor when we want to compare or when we want to compare or when we want to comparesomething looks like something looks like
something looks liketaste like feels like and smells taste like feels like and smells taste like feels like and smellslike likeuse the same idea and alex said use the same idea and alex said use the same idea and alex saidyes then i said well there do yes then i said well there do yes then i said well there doseem to be a lot seem to be a lot
seem to be a lothave amazing creatures and have amazing creatures and have amazing creatures andplaces to visit places to visit places to visitand hopefully in our lifetime and hopefully in our lifetime and hopefully in our lifetimewill be sure to get out and see will be sure to get out and see will be sure to get out and seefor ourselves what's really
for ourselves what's really for ourselves what's reallyhappening in our lifetime happening in our lifetime happening in our lifetimemeans before we die and alec means before we die and alec means before we die and alecsaid saidyet definitely yes i'd like to yet definitely yes i'd like to yet definitely yes i'd like togo to egypt
go to egypt go to egyptnext i've never been to egypt next i've never been to egypt next i've never been to egypthow about you how about you how about youand i said a no i've never been and i said a no i've never been and i said a no i've never beento egypt to egypt
to egyptbut i think that would be really but i think that would be really but i think that would be reallycool i'd love to see the cool i'd love to see the cool i'd love to see thepyramids pyramids pyramidsthat's it for this month spokane that's it for this month spokane that's it for this month spokanebe larry and grammar review
be larry and grammar review be larry and grammar reviewlesson for the conversation lesson for the conversation lesson for the conversationmysterious sightings listen to mysterious sightings listen to mysterious sightings listen tothis lesson many times to this lesson many times to this lesson many times tounderstand understand
understandall of the words freezes and all of the words freezes and all of the words freezes andgrammar grammar grammargo back and read along with the go back and read along with the go back and read along with thetranscript to make sure transcript to make sure transcript to make sureeverything is clear to get
everything is clear to get everything is clear to getfluent faster fluent faster fluent fasterpractice using the filler words practice using the filler words practice using the filler wordsvocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary wordsfreezes and grammar in your freezes and grammar in your
freezes and grammar in yourconversations conversationsheaven excellent day and we'll heaven excellent day and we'll heaven excellent day and we'llsee you next time see you next time see you next timethis master english conversation this master english conversation this master english conversationlesson lesson
lessonhas been copyrighted by english has been copyrighted by english has been copyrighted by englishanyone dot com anyone dot com anyone dot comto learn more please visit www to learn more please visit www to learn more please visit wwwdot english anyone dot com
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